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The Filipino Word Quest Game

I created The Filipino Word Quest Game board game to give my students an easy (and fun!) way to familiarize themselves with nearly 100 common Filipino words, including animals, people, everyday objects, action and direction words. It also helps them practice identifying words with diptonggo and kambal katinig, as well as forming phrases and sentences in Filipino. The game, which the kids fondly called "The Filipino Game," sparked a competitive streak such that they insisted on playing it everyday and even practiced on their own time in order to reach the castle first!

Download the FREE board game, game play directions, picture cards and word cards here to get your kids started on their own Filipino Word Quest!


© cutiemona and Natureville Adventures, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this website's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to cutie mona and Natureville Adventures with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Magic Land, Natureville, and the Nature Workers are Mona’s creations and unless otherwise specified, all the stories (except the adaptations) on this site are part of her collection of original stories. These stories may be used for personal and educational purposes only and may not be distributed, adapted, modified and/or used for commercial purpose without our consent.


We do not own the rights to the Pinypons or any other toy/brand she uses to visualize her stories.



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