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The Sleepy Solution

One morning, Princess Red Violet Rosie was snoring loudly. She was still asleep, so her sister, Queen Yellow Daffodil, whispered, "Good morning!" in her ear. "It's Christmas eve!"

The princess woke up. "I'm just sleeping so I won't be too sleepy. I'm staying up late tonight for Christmas, remember?" she said sleepily.

Just then, Purple Winter, the Royal Adviser, walked into the room. "But I thought you and Prince Peter Peppermint planned to sleep first before opening your presents?"

Princess Red Violet Rosie woke up. "'re right. I should probably wake up now."

But while she ate dinner that evening, she realized that she didn't want to sleep after all. She wanted to stay up for Christmas! Everyone felt the same way, but it was hard to keep their eyes open because they knew they needed to get some rest.

Then, she got a great idea! Yes, everyone could stay awake that Christmas Eve, but if they do, then the day after Christmas (because of course, everyone will celebrate on Christmas), everyone will sleep the whole day.

She told everyone about her idea. And it worked. Nobody was sleepy anymore!

So everyone enjoyed Christmas and the very next day, the whole of Natureville was sound asleep.


© cutiemona and Natureville Adventures, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this website's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to cutie mona and Natureville Adventures with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Magic Land, Natureville, and the Nature Workers are Mona’s creations and unless otherwise specified, all the stories (except the adaptations) on this site are part of her collection of original stories. These stories may be used for personal and educational purposes only and may not be distributed, adapted, modified and/or used for commercial purpose without our consent.


We do not own the rights to the Pinypons or any other toy/brand she uses to visualize her stories.



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